המדרשה החסידית לצעירים

Nishmat HaTorah

נשמת התורה ישיבה לצעירים

Nishmat HaTorah is Netzach’s flagship non-Chassidic Yeshiva High School for ultra-Orthodox boys from the Ashkenazi community, under the leadership of Rabbi Benny Kori. Most students join the school from mainstream Charedi elementary schools with very limited general studies backgrounds. They manage to make up the educational gap within a short period of time, and graduate with a full matriculation certificate. Emphasis is placed on quality education in all aspects – pedagogical, social, personal and intellectual – with a full program of enrichment activities. 

The Yeshiva has grown from 5 students in 2018 to 90 students in 2022/23. This growth is testament to the scale of demand within the ultra-Orthodox community for a holistic educational framework, and to the reputability of Netzach and the school management team in delivering on that need.

Nishmat HaTorah has outgrown its rented space and must create a larger school campus in order to sustain the ongoing needs of its continuously growing student population. The new school will need to include dormitory facilities for out-of-town students and facilities for teaching music, science and enrichment activities, a library, a school yard for exercise, and a chill-out room. We are working in partnership with the Jerusalem Municipality and have already acquired a suitable site for the new school, engaged a firm of experienced architects, and started to draw up plans and select contractors. We have embarked on a major fundraising campaign and can already offer naming opportunities to major donors.

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