Netzach High Schools

Netzach High School Enrollment

In Israel only 13 percent of Charedi boys and 55 percent of Charedi girls receive a matriculation certificate, compared with 80 percent of students in the State and State-Religious education streams.

In Netzach’s first three high schools, 100 percent of our students graduated in 2022 with either 4 or 5 points in English and 3, 4 or 5 points in math.

Yeshiva Adnei Zahav Logo

Adnei Zahav Yeshiva High School

Darkei-Sara High School

Nishmat HaTorah Yeshiva High School

Midrasha HaChassidit Torah Academy

Darkei Torah Yeshiva High School

Darkei Torah Yeshiva High School

Yeshivat HaChassidit Ohev Yisrael

Seminar Shalhevet

Yeshivat Chayei Olam

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