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Host an Event


Invite friends, colleagues and others in your community who might be interested in learning about this Netzach initiative and who care about strengthening the Charedi educational infrastructure in Israel to an open house featuring Rabbi Menachem Bombach or another key spokesperson on site or via zoom.


Host Rabbi Menachem Bombach as your scholar-in-residence for a Shabbat or event of learning about Education, on such topics as: community leadership, educational start-ups, inter-Charedi relations, Jewish unity in Israel, Charedim and technology,Charedi integration into the Israeli national economy.
Call Netzach for information or to schedule Rabbi Bombach.


Sponsor and create an intimate, fun atmosphere at a fundraising events you plan with the Netzach Partnership team. Together, we can look to celebrity chefs, musicians, artists, and other exciting draws to create memorable experiences for attendees which simultaneously broaden the conversation on Charedi education for everyone present while also raising funds for our important work. Reach out to us to host a fundraiser.

Call or Donate now

Every contribution
makes an impact

Day of Learning

in the school of your choice

You can sponsor a student s membership in the Talmud Torah  Netzach Yisrael the Netzach Boys Robotic Club.



annual cost

Provide for the textbooks, notebooks, and other learning tools  for a successful school year. 


Life Skills 

annual fees

Your support will provide for a student’s annual expenses for enrichment activities, field trips, and other informal education above tuition.


Sponsor a Student

annual tuition

Support one of our families experiencing financial hardship and  thus unable to afford tuition for their children 


Press Releases

2022 JEWISH UNITY PRIZE: In May 2022, the Netzach Educational Network was awarded the
Jerusalem Unity Prize, a joint initiative between the families of three murdered teenagers, the Gesher
organization and the former Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat. The annual prize recognizes organizations
that inspire tolerance and mutual respect across the Jewish world, promoting acceptance of those
who think, act or ilve differently. Netzach is honored by this recognition of our grand-breaking work
toward the integration of Charedim into Israel society.

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