HaCheider HaChassidi Elementary School, Jerusalem

Principal: Rav Uri Bakenrot

Netzach’s first Chassidic boys’ school was established in Jerusalem in 2019, to give Chassidic families broader educational options. Alongside an intensive curriculum of Torah subjects, they learn a range of academic subjects plus creative arts, science, and music. The school organizes field trips and enrichment workshops, and activities to encourage community cohesion among the students’ families. Under the leadership of the principal Rav Uri Bakenrot, the school is staffed by a highly professional team of Chassidic teachers. They aim to instill in their students their own love of Torah, the importance of Jewish ethical principles, and a positive outlook on life. The first cohort started in Kindergarten and is now in fourth grade.

The school organizes field trips and enrichment workshops, and activities to encourage community cohesion among the students’ families.

Alongside an intensive curriculum of Torah subjects, students learn a range of academic subjects and creative arts, science, and music. 

In September 2022, Netzach opened a second CheIder HaChassidi in the city of Beit Shemesh, with 30 six-year-old students.

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